Bullet Journaling for a #PlannerAddict

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Level 10 Life

As you guys may have figured out I am a planner girl at heart. I love planners, notebooks, journals anything related to keeping me organized.

I currently am a #HappyPlanner girl and I love my Happy Planner. I just simply can not get enough of my planner. That is my current planner of choice in which I love to keep myself organized for home and work. I find there is ample space to keep track of everything that you need in the Happy Planner. I also have expanded my planner to include the fitness kit as part of my planner which is one of the may reasons why I love the Happy Planner. There are many expansions available to include with your planner to suite your needs without using many planners to organize what you need.

Here's a little spread I did towards the end of 2015 to decide what was working for me in my Bullet Journal, what I wanted to get rid of, and what I wanted to try next.

As many of you may also know I am a Pinterest addict as well. You can follow me on Pinterest here.
Anyways while on Pinterest I have seen many many pins on what is called a Bullet Journal. Instantly I knew that I wanted to create one and jump right in. After pinning many pins and joining plenty of Facebook pages I was like how can I start this when I already use my Happy Planner ( which I can not give up) to organize my day to day activities not to mention plans, birthdays etc.

With that being said I do not use the bullet journal for a planning purpose but more of a personal diary in a way. I fill it with a bunch of random things that I always wanted to keep track of such as: favorite quotes, motivational quotes, movies I want to watch, Books I want to read, Goals, Blogging goals, Etsy shop plans, monthly trackers and more. This is so amazing. I love it.

My Gratitude Log, originally inspired by Kim at Tiny Ray of Sunshine

If you are a planner girl and planner addict at heart you can also join the bullet journaling experience as well.

If you are planning to start a bullet journal make sure that you check out the OFFICIAL Bullet Journal Blog as well as Kara who has an amazing Bullet Journal which is so pretty over at Boho Berry

All Photos are from Kara over at The Boho Berry Blog

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